Ajira Mpya Tanzania | Nafasi Mpya za Kazi Tanzania | TAWLA Jobs
Job Summary
Job Description
Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) was formed primarily as a guild to promote and advance legal and constitutional rights of
women. The aims and objectives of the organization is; to advocate for gender equality, promotion of human dignity and gender justice through policy, legal and institutional reforms, community action and media engagement. To this end, TAWLA envisage a society that respects and upholds the rights of women and her mission is to promote and protect the rights of women and good governance through legal empowerment.
TAWLA has its headquarters in Dar es Salaam at Plot 31, Ilala Amana Street and branch offices at Arusha, Tanga, Mwanza and Dodoma. As a way of expanding its outreach TAWLA also networks with other legal aid providers as well as working with paralegals that have been established by TAWLA to enable poor women and children to access legal aid services in the
regions where TAWLA does not have branch office. Currently, TAWLA has over 350 members, who include women lawyers from diverse backgrounds such as state attorneys, private advocates, judges, magistrates, corporate Boards, academics and legal advisors in both the public and the private sector.
TAWLA is undertaking several programs supported by development partners and using internal generated funds. TAWLA is required by its constitution to be audited annually and report tabled to its members during the Annual General Meeting with its financial year running from January to December each year. The Audited financial statements are shared with
Registrar of NGO, development partners and other relevant stakeholders. TAWLA invites applications from a qualified and experienced audit firms to perform annual audit of the Financial Statements of 2020.
The objective of TAWLA audit is to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements reflect a true and fair view of the financial position of the organization. The audit will be performed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and International Standards of Auditing (“ISA”). The audit report will include an Independent Auditors Report (Opinion) on the financial statements. The audit will also include such other required schedules or analyses as TAWLA has determined are necessary in order to ensure that program resources are being properly managed. The auditors should assess the organization’s compliance with the provisions of the Tanzania NGO Act of 2002 and other relevant applicable regulatory authorities.
The successful External Auditor will audit TAWLA. The audit will be in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and International Standards of Auditing (“ISA”). The findings and recommendations shall include an action plan for TAWLA organizational and accounting improvements depending on findings and its implications and shall accommodate
management comments.
Eligible Audit firm should meet the following criteria:
i. Compliance with legal requirements of registration
ii. Experience of the audit firm with audit reporting under International Financial Reporting standards (IFRS) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA)
iii. References for similar audits performed within the last three years.
iv. Provide Audit Methodology, Proposed Work-plan, Curriculum Vitae for the partner, manager and key staff proposed for the audit team
v. Audit firm and staff must be independent of TAWLA and confirm their independence in the engagement letter.
vi. Any actual or potential conflict of interest in taking up this role should be highlighted.
The key deliverables under this call are:
i. Audited Financial Statements indicating if accounting standards have been applied and whether they reflect a true and fair view of the financial position of the organization
ii. Management Letter where matters that are not material to the financial statements, but which the auditors wish to communicate to TAWLA may be reflected for management action
iii. To present the report to the Board of directors
iv. To complete the audit on time i.e. within 3 months after end of the year. NB: All the reports shall be presented in English Language.
The proposal submitted should have a maximum of 25 PDF pages exclusive of the statutory requirements which shall be attached separately.
The proposal subject line should clearly read, “EOI: EXTERNAL AUDITORS and address to:
P. O. BOX 9460,
ONLY electronically submitted proposals will be accepted.
Proposal should be submitted through the following email: info@tawla.or.tz
The deadline for submission is: 22:00 HRS, 17th June 2020
Only shortlisted bidder will be contacted (those who will not hear from us, 14 days after deadline, should consider themselves unsuccessful )
For any questions, kindly contact us (Not later than 4 days after the date of the advert) through info@tawla.or.tz