World Bank Group - Ethiopia Jobs |
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Job Description
TOR: Gender Specialist Consultant for assignment on mainstreaming gender-informed resilience into water and sanitation operations in Ethiopia
Background / General Description:
Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) sets a goal of becoming a middle- income country by 2025. The sector context for urban water supply and sanitation (WSS) is best understood from three main perspectives: (a) rapid urbanization; (b) large-scale infrastructure investment and service delivery improvement requirements; and (c) a need for systematic policy and institutional transformation in urban and water sector governance mapped to Ethiopia’s federal decentralization of several key services.
Structural transformation of the Ethiopian economy is driving rapid urbanization and increasing pressure on service provision, including for WSS. Without improved services, cities are becoming increasingly polluted, which affects the quality of life, and could ultimately jeopardize economic growth. At the start of the World Bank-supported Second Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project (SUWSSP), more than 60 percent of households in urban areas use traditional pit latrines and about 6 percent of urban residents are still practicing open defecation. Fecal sludge is often accumulated in poorly designed and built pits, and then discharged directly into storm drains, open water bodies or the ground, or manually removed and dumped into the neighborhoods or the wider environment. The effect of all this is exposing urban residents to health hazards, as seen for example with a cholera outbreak in 2016.
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Disaster Risk Profile:
Ethiopia’s exposure to hazards was evaluated using the Think hazard tool. The most relevant risk for Ethiopia’s urban water supply and sanitation is a ‘medium’ water scarcity risk. Hydrological drought risk is greatest in Somali region. Anchored by the City of Jigjiga (population 250,000), 1.6 million people in the Somali region live in areas expected to suffer water scarcity each year and are at increased flood risk. The City of Addis Ababa water supply is vulnerable to riverine as well as flash floods due to heavy rains and upper catchment activities, and seismic activity. Its vulnerability to flooding, which in some instances leads to collapse of infrastructure, is more aggravated due to a poor drainage system, lack of storage capacity, rapid housing development along riverbanks, and water quality challenges due to inadequate wastewater treatment.
Opportunities to mainstream resilience for urban water supply and sanitation services
Analyses have shown the importance of actively working towards inclusive city-wide sanitation, and within that framework, addressing and linking different stages of a sanitation service chain that cuts across containment, collection, transportation, treatment, safe disposal and/or reuse of wastewater or fecal sludge in cities, including in low income areas. Failure to ensure such links throughout the service chain typically results in untreated wastewater or fecal sludge contaminating the environment, with negative public health impacts. The urban WSS system in Ethiopia lacks such institutional mechanisms of adequate capacity.
A recently awarded Grant will leverage the SUWSSP to mainstream resilience into the water supply and sanitation utility plan to invest beyond identified infrastructure improvements (component 1.2 and 2.2 of the project). In the implementation of the SUWSSP project, Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AAWSA) has identified in its procurement plan three key activities which would benefit from the Grant – upgrading its data server facilities for construction, supply, and installation of hardware and software for disaster recovery; a comprehensive groundwater sustainable management system including water extraction management and groundwater modelling; and the development of an integrated Town Sanitation Plan and city sewerage master plan and feasibility study. Through its Town Development Plan and rapid sanitation assessment conducted through the SUWSSP project, Jigjiga identified “non-regrettable” priority investments along the sanitation value chain. Core recommendations to improve resilience and security of supply include a plan for the utility to manage complementary services such as solid waste management and power supply management as the current system faces protracted challenges from intermittent water and electricity supply.
The objective of the Grant is to provide technical assistance and knowledge exchange activities for selected urban utilities in Ethiopia to mainstream resilience in services planning, design, operations and maintenance, and invest in a climate-smart and resilient utility of the future.
Objective of this Assignment
The objective of this assignment is to improve disaster preparedness and enhance resilience in two water utilities in Ethiopia - Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AAWSA) and Jigjiga Town Water Supply and Sewerage Service (JTWSSS) on two components:
Component 1: Undertaking risk assessment and mainstreaming of resilience in water supply and sanitation to inform operational and investment planning and design.
This component will support AAWSA and JTWSSS to identify key areas where technical assistance interventions can improve resilience of water and sanitation services. For example, waterways and groundwater contaminated by wastewater or fecal sludge and service vulnerabilities to disaster risk and changing climate can be addressed through operational investment plans and designs. This can entail promoting inclusive partnerships to ensure alignment with the Sendai Framework and leverage best practices from within and beyond Ethiopia.
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Component 1 will be done by:
Assessing and incorporating resilience in two utility operation and maintenance plans (AAWSA and JTWSSS)
Assessing and preparing two contingency plans for WSS services (AAWSA and JTWSSS)
Engaging a gender specialist consultant to support AAWSA in Jigjiga to mainstream gender-sensitive and other inclusive design considerations in planning documents
Component 2: Linking operational efficiency and response capacity with climate resilience and water resources planning.
A major challenge for the cities of Addis Ababa and Jigjiga is that their available water resources are not projected to meet expected demands. This component will support AAWSA and JTWSSS to build on the plans supported through Component 1 and identify operational efficiency and response capacity issues for the utilities, as well as potential future water sources and specific resilience measures. AAWSSA is in the process of completing its financial closing backlog, and bill collection is made possible through electronic system in collaboration with Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. The revenue collection is expected to expand once customers get increasingly exposed to the new system. The procurement processes for consultancy service of the SCADA system and groundwater modelling are at an advanced stage. Replacement of old meters and main pipelines and the introduction of smart meters for high consumer clients have been identified as potential activities to be considered under this component. In parallel, AAWSA is undergoing planning of new water supply sources. Jigjiga has developed its Town Master Plan with specific technical recommendations to take forward with regards to operational efficiency and water resources planning, but first need to complete the risk assessment activities under Component 1 to further build towards the analysis for Component 2.
This will be done by:
Complementing AAWSA’s future sanitation planning exercise for unserved catchment areas beyond Kality and Eastern Catchments, including resilience technical recommendations to inform eventual feasibility studies for future wastewater treatment needs to include co-treatment with fecal sludge.
Assisting JTWSSS to implement technical recommendations in its Town Master Plan and incorporate DRM elements identifying operational efficiency gaps.
Engaging a gender specialist consultant in the implementation of resilience-building activities to ensure gender mainstreaming and interventions aimed at broader social inclusion.
This assignment will be complementary to the ongoing work as part of the SUWSSP. The gender specialist consultant will work jointly with a second consultant that will be looking at resilience in water utilities more broadly.
This assignment expects 75 days level of effort – with possibility of extension depending upon performance - with travel to the two cities, Addis Ababa and Jigjiga, and includes, but is not limited to, the following scope:
- Compilation of relevant data, reports, and policy documents on past, current, and future efforts on gender and social inclusion in the utilities and draft a summary report with challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming gender and social inclusion into resilience-building for planning and operations of utilities.
- Organize a consultative workshop in each city with relevant local stakeholders, development partners and any other relevant groups to introduce and reinforce the concept of resilience and jointly identify biggest shocks and stresses facing the two utilities. This should include consideration of gender and social inclusion.
- Conduct follow-up discussions with relevant stakeholders and work closely with the utility staff to draft assessment of gender and socially inclusive resilience in operation and maintenance plans and prepare contingency plans to face shocks and stresses.
- Support utility staff and relevant government agencies in the implementation of actions aimed at building resilience.
- Provide summary report from implementation identifying short, medium and long-term actions.
- Coordinate activities with the Gender Specialist Lead in the AAWSA project office and communicate closely with the World Bank’s local social development team.
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As part of the tasks above, the consultant will pay regard to:
- Key constraints that will impede successful incorporation of gender and socially inclusive resilience-building activities, including institutional constraints, gaps in capacity and costs to address needs.
- Viewpoints and capacity of various stakeholders to support resilience-building interventions, considering gender and social inclusion.
- Sequencing of approaches.
- Identification of best practices applicable to the project, to inform Bank’s support to the client.
The consultant will work with utility staff and managers and will coordinate with the local World Bank team throughout this process. Most of the work is envisioned to be conducted in-situ (depending on travel restrictions). Furthermore, the timeframe of assignment is envisioned as followed:
Start date of assignment: December 2020
Desk research and preliminary findings (Jan 2021)
Consultation workshops in Addis Ababa and Jigjiga and follow-up interviews to confirm findings (Feb 2021)
Submission of draft outputs (March 2021)
Revised draft outputs submitted (May 2021)
Implementation of actions (June – Oct 2021)
Knowledge event (June 2021): Share lessons learned so far, plan for implementation and expected outputs.
Final plan outputs submitted and embedded in utility operations (Dec 2021)
Second knowledge event (Jan 2022): Share lessons learned as next steps.
Closing and final reporting (Feb 2022): This report for each of the utilities should include analysis of strengths, weaknesses, as well as follow-up short, medium, and long-term plan.
The work will be qualitative and quantitative and will draw on information made available by the utility and data collected by the consultant in cooperation with the utility. The utility will provide all available data and cooperate with the consultant to ensure that the best possible data is provided, and the correct analysis can be made.
Based on the above tasks, the following outputs are expected to be produced. Please note that some items to be delivered are stand-alone gender-related while others are inputs into broader activities.
Component 1:
- Addis Ababa Assessment of utility Operation and Maintenance Plan – gender-inclusive inputs into incorporation of resilience
- Addis Ababa preparation of Disaster Risk Contingency Plans for WSS services, considering gender-inclusion.
- Jigjiga Assessment of utility Operation and Maintenance Plan – gender-inclusive inputs into incorporation of resilience
- Jigjiga preparation of Disaster Risk Contingency Plans for WSS services considering gender-inclusion
- Innovative solutions for addressing natural hazards and climate change risk utilized. 2 innovative solutions utilized and adapted to local contexts to address disaster and climate risks
- Capacity for risk-informed policy design and analysis in formal institutions in Addis Ababa and Jigjiga strengthened
- Planning, regulation, and risk-informed infrastructure. 2 Infrastructure investment plans incorporating DRM measures
- Understanding and/or responsiveness to gender and socially-differentiated risks increased. 2 policy and planning documents developed that include the specific needs of individuals based on gender, ethnicity, disability, and socio-economic status
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Component 2
Resilient non-revenue water reduction actions identified for Addis Ababa and Jigjiga and implemented using project funds
Infrastructure investment plans considering future water needs for Addis Ababa and Jigjiga incorporating DRM measures informed by gender-inclusive practices.
Other outputs:
A summary report on findings from the assignment including recommendations for continued gender inclusion in resilience-building initiatives in the short, medium and long term for each of the utilities.
Inputs into the overall report on resilience-building in the utilities being prepared by the second consultant.
The World Bank will make available all relevant documents provided by its Client and other organizations. All information should be treated as confidential and not used for any other purpose. This is part of the information that the consultant will be gathering as part of the assignment.
Job Requirements
Language - All outputs will be prepared in English and delivered in Word format.
The Consultant will work with the grant team leader and gender and social development team members, and report to TTL based in Washington DC.
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Qualifications and Experience
The consultant should have experience in carrying out gender assessments and be trained in qualitative methods, particularly focus group discussions. Familiarity with Water/Disaster Risk Management sector is preferred. The consultant should have a mix of the expertise below:
- Advanced degree and a minimum of 7 years of directly relevant experience in gender, preferably in infrastructure sectors;
- Experience working on gender-related issues in water sector will be an added advantage;
- Possess cultural awareness and sensitivity to gender issues;
- Experience working directly with project teams and interacting with governments on gender-specific issues in the water sector a plus;
- Ability to work independently and conduct quality fieldwork, data analysis, and assessment;
- Experienced, personable and good facilitator of large group discussions;
- Fluent spoken and written English;
- Excellent analytical skills and ability to communicate concepts into written documents;
- Ability to work flexibly on a range of assignments and adjust to and prioritize a variety of complex evolving tasks;
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to develop effective relations within and outside the Bank, and to promote collaboration within the team to meet objectives.
Category: Consultancy and Training, Development and Project Management, Social Sciences and Community
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Career Level: Senior Level (5+ years experience)
Employment Type: Contract
How to Apply
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Deadline Dec 15, 2020